
Personal Data means “without limitation, any identifying information about you”. This identification includes your name, address, passwords specially defined for you, registered phone number, e-mail address, financial information, registration name, password and other information. Ordering through the website It is obligatory to register this personal information with an internet account to be opened in your name on the website. If this information is not provided, it is not possible to make orders and sales transactions through the website.

Registered Users

You do not need to register to visit the site. For orders made without registration, the information, name, address, phone number, e-mail address, financial information, passwords and personal information required to process the order and make your next purchase are as easy and fast as possible.

Order offers to be made through the website after registration do not constitute a valid and binding contract until accepted by us. However, the consumer will be bound by the offer/permit.

Security and Privacy

If you wish to unsubscribe from our daily or weekly e-mail list at any time, you can easily unsubscribe from the e-newsletter with one click by clicking the "Please click to unsubscribe from our e-bulletin list" link below. from the emails we send.

The website, which you are at the order stage, is under protection with high security programs.

We reserve the right to make changes on the main page of the website regarding the Purchasing conditions and Privacy Policy conditions on our company's site.